बाधा ड़ालना
बाधा ड़ालना
= HAMPERउदाहरण : लेकिन अभी भी वह सरकार के युद्ध प्रयत्नों के बाधा डालना नहीं चाहती थी।Usage : a thick blanket of fog hampered the train and flights services in delhi.
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= HINDERउदाहरण : उसने कपड़े से पाइप में बाधा डालना चाहा।Usage : said (god): "o iblis, what hindered you from adoring what i created by my own authority? are you too proud, or too high and mighty?"
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= BLOCKUsage : The thick curtain blocked the action on the stage
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= INTERRUPTUsage : do you wish to interrupt writing this disc?
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= INTERFEREUsage : your talking interferes with my work!
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= OPPOSEUsage : we oppose the ban on abortion
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= INHIBITUsage : The visitors of the zoological park were inhibited from feeding the animals.
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= ENCUMBERउदाहरण : समूह शांति प्रक्रिया में बाधा डालने की कोशिश कर रहा है।Usage : the company is encumbered with debts.
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= BALKUsage : a player with ball in hand must play from the balk
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= PUT OFFUsage : the proposal of a coal - based plant was put off pending the outcome of the coal - based plants under implementation.
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= DROWNUsage : She drowned her trouble in alcohol
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= INTERFERE WITHUsage : do acts likely to interfere with the peace or comfort of a tenant or anyone living with him or her;
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= OBSTRUCTUsage : his brother blocked him at every turn
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= PRECLUDEUsage : Those, who take bribe, should be precluded from their jobs.
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= BAULKUsage : the horse was hesitant to start running, it seemed to baulk at the starting line.
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= DISTURBUsage : she was disturbed by the violence breaking out in the old city.
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= IMPEDEUsage : she is impeding the progress of our project
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= PREVENTUsage : raj, being a righteous man tried his best to prevent his friend from takingbribe, but, failed.
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= STYMYUsage : But she still didn't want to stymy the government's war efforts.
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= EMBARRASSUsage : his comments at party embarrased me no end.
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= INTERCEPTUsage : The reporter intercepted the conversation.
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= CHECKUsage : check the king means the opponents king is in danger.
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= OBTURATEUsage : He tried to obturate the pipe with a piece of cloth.
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= DISLOCATEUsage : flights have been dislocated due to bad weather.
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= TRAMMELUsage : she felt trammelled by the expectations of society.
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= RESISTUsage : He couldn't resist eating the chocolate.